Feeling Offended!

Archita Agrawal
4 min readSep 24, 2022

NOTE: The article is written from my perspective and exhibits my opinion. Anything written in this article does not mean to offend or insult any community or people. So, readers are requested to take it just as a mere opinion.

Photo by Brett Sayles: https://www.pexels.com/photo/dont-hate-inscription-on-glass-wall-behind-building-4923348/

While writing about this subject matter, I found it imperative to give a disclaimer so that no one takes it personally. In the early 2000s, no one would have ever felt the need to write such a disclaimer, but now it looks like it has become a salient custom. Maybe it is because of those people on social media who are always ready to troll anything and everything that would make people furious. Or maybe it is those pathetic people out there drowning in inferiority and self-doubt so that they easily get offended by others’ comments and opinions. Whichever it may be, or even if it is both, people are required to take caution while posting even a trivial thing because anyone can get offended about anything!

For instance, comments like you are black are likely to offend a person. In today’s scenario, one cannot address a person as black. It is a crime. I cannot comprehend why saying BLACK has become a crime in recent times. It is just a color. I am also a person of color and I feel pride in it, so I would not feel horrible if someone addresses it. Rather, I would retort back by saying that YES, I KNOW. Cause I do, and I adore it. But people have started thinking of the BLACK word as detestable, which, if uttered to someone, could unexplainably lead to severe punishment.

Are we so inferior about our color that we feel shame addressing it? That we cannot ourselves accept it?

And not only is that people get offended when something is said to them. These days we also get offended in place of others, while the other person might not even give a shit about it.

One should know that if you try to find love, you will get love. While if you start searching for hate, you will see hate in everything. So look for love, see good, and you will find a beautiful world out there!

If we make our beliefs stronger, whatever they may be about — religion, caste, color, race, and so on, we would not feel affronted by the narrow thinking of people. We need to feel pride in whichever community we belong to and let other people talk shit about it. Cause such people have never understood and will never in the future.

Just drop the value of the words people aim at you to make you feel inferior, and then their words will fall on the ground without even touching you. So drop them and do not let anything or anyone make you feel small.

It is upon you what you prefer to think. Either you can feel offended and irked by those people who like to show on social media their undying hatred for those belonging to a different community, or you can think just how unfortunate it is that they have a limited view of thinking. That though, living in such a wide and connected world, they still have a narrow-thought process. That they could not develop their thinking on par with the developing world. That, though claiming to be living in a developed country, they have primitive and latent thinking. And that, though yearning for equality, such people cannot accept distinct people in their society.

The real problem is in the concept of EQUALITY itself. Who wants equality? Who wants to be equal? Who wants to be seen equally as everyone when everyone is different? We do not want to live under the fake garb of equality, proving to the world, time and time again, that we stand for equality and saying to everyone that WE ARE EQUAL when we very clearly know that we are not. We do not need to feel equal in society, instead, we need to acknowledge the differences. Those differences that are already existing in our society. But we have somehow convinced ourselves to ignore them under the name of LIVING EQUALLY.

All we need is to accept these differences and, at times, commemorate them. Once we know these dissimilarities within us, and welcome them, we would not need rallies, banners, people on roads and on social media and fake garbs to show WE CARE. Cause we will not HAVE to care. That day equality will automatically find its place between these dissimilarities and differences. And when that transpires, such disclaimers would not have a place at the beginning of any video, article, or speech. And hopefully, no one will get offended.

Thanks for giving your time and reading it, means a lot!



Archita Agrawal

We are writers, my love. We don’t cry. We bleed on paper.